Remote Training Shock Collar for 3 dogs At the present time I see absorptive price of the product on amazon. But I'm unsure This worth will modify in the time to come or not.
Remote Training Shock Collar for 3 dogs
| If you want to know more details and buying option of this item, please click link in the box below ⇊.
- Fully functional multi-dog system
- Train up to 3 dogs independently and simultaneously by 1 Remote
- 4 Audible tones of different frequencies and 4 levels of continuous static impulse stimulation(up to 3 seconds)
- The collar is combination of micro static shock impulse and audible sound
- Collar length adjustable from 20 to 50 cm for difference size of dog
☺ If you try this item, you will be satisfied Remote Training Shock Collar for 3 dogs. I think this is great.
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Low-priced Remote Training Shock Collar for 3 dogs