Oh, no
Dogtra Element 1/2 Mile Two Dog Training Collar This present day I see attractive selling price of the product on amazon. But I'm unsure This worth will chop in tomorrow or not.
Dogtra Element 1/2 Mile Two Dog Training Collar
| If you want to see more details and images about this item, you can click link in frame below ⇩.
- Reduced receiver/collar designed for smaller dogs,
- Precise stimulation level (0-100), 1/2 mile range
- 'Nick", "Constant" and non-stimulating pager/vibration,
- Rechargeable, user-replaceable Ni-MH batteries,
- Fully waterproof collar/receiver and trasmitter, LED battery life indicator
@ When you try this, you will impress Dogtra Element 1/2 Mile Two Dog Training Collar. I think this is good product.
want Dogtra Element 1/2 Mile Two Dog Training Collar